I was born in Seattle Washington, grew up in a suburb of New York City, and have lived in Dayton for 50 plus years. I began photographing seriously about 25 years ago when I retired from working as a psychiatric Occupational Therapist. I am basically self-taught, though have attended workshops and, recently, photographed with both a nature and a street photographer In Cuba, Panama, Ecuador, Costa Rico, and Antarctica. My husband and I have traveled extensively since our retirement, and I find these trips to be rich opportunities for photography.
I have been a long time member and judge in the two Dayton Photo Clubs, have exhibited my photographs in a local restaurant, had my photos included in several calendars and a national birding magazine, as well as having sold my photos and cards at shops in North Carolina.
I consider myself primarily a nature photographer. I have always loved birds and animals, and enjoy the opportunity to observe and capture them in photographs. That said, I also love to photograph people, seascapes, architecture, landscapes, patterns, and anything else that captures my interest and attention. I tend to present my subject in a straightforward manner, using minimal digital enhancements. In portraits of people, I try to portray their mood and personality. Nothing is more prized than to hear from someone who knows the person, that I have captured their essence. Images that hold some mystery, or an unexpected detail, ones that present the stunning beauty of nature, all keep me photographing. Nothing is more delightful to me than to share my vision with others and to see their appreciation of it.